Friday, September 17, 2010

Scenario 1

In our first scenario lesson we were taught a new method finding a solution to a problem. This was the "Bad Idea's Method". It involved coming up with really bad ideas of how to solve the problem and then changing them into good idea's.

We were given a simple design brief that was "Design a device for elderly people to remind them take their medicine. (They need to take different medicines during the day)". The first thing we did was write down all the stupid ideas we could think, some of these were: The power to their house would be cut, their denchers would chatter violently, their walking stick would stick or slip on the floor. We decided to go with the chattering denchers.

We then identified the good things about this idea. We thought the best thing was that it would definitely remind them to take their medication. Then we identified all the bad things and transformed them into good things, for instance the violent vibration was replaced with an extremely small vibration cause the mouth is very sensitive.