Friday, August 13, 2010

The Lightning Ball Experementation

I realised after talking to Yasu that i didnt need to scrap the idea completely. If i could find another material that made the lightning orb act in the same way i could make it work.

I used a variety of materials on the orb to see if any of them worked the same way as a finger does. Plastic and Rubber both did not work. But a paper clip and a coated wire did (see pics below).

After a few more tries i came to the conclusion that anything that can have or does have an electrical curent running through it makes the stronger arc appear in the orb. This was apparent when i left the paper clip ontop of the ball, the arc became a lot weaker, but when my finger touched the paper clip it became strong again. It was my natural current running through my finger into the paper clip that made it appear again.

The box of the Lightning Ball says; "An electric current is produced within any conductive object near the orb, as the glass blocks the electromagnetic field."
So for my idea to work i have to use a conductive object on the orb to give the desired effect.

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