Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Final Presentation

The final to summarise the final presentation... I wasn't happy with how it went. I thought we came across as unprepared and that we didn't know our own concept, when infact it was the complete opposite, we knew it really well. It was just getting the idea across we seemed to struggle with.

I did like however how both of our models came out, i was impressed with our 3D printed model it looked very good but i wish we had have actually made an arm strap instead of using masking tape, but it did serve its purpose. The working model wasn't perfect but it did work well. It looked like a giant rough version of our final design which was no easy task with the spinning ring (well done Amy!), the model conveyed well how it would work. The colours the LED displayed didn't match up to the colours we had specified but it still looked good. I was impressed with how we got the light sensor to read the spinning ring by using black and white sections.

But overall i wasn't happy with how we presented, i think we could have done it so much better. But it's all a learning curve and i'll know better for next time.

Presentation Boards

These are our Presentation Boards...

Friday, November 5, 2010

Other Scenario's

The previous posts scenario is the one that the group has decided to use for the boards. These one's below are just other examples of how our device could be used.

Its William’s first day at school. His parents have bought him an arm band that can communicate with them back at home. He is sitting in his first ever class and is feeling very lonely so he starts to stroke his arm band.

William’s mum is sitting on the couch at their house holding her pendant close to her, she’s trying to hold back the feelings of sadness of her little boy growing up when her pendant starts flashing in a blue. She immediately places her finger on the flashing light.

William’s arm band lights up with a yellow light. This makes him feel better because he knows his mother has responded and is thinking of him.

William is now sitting in class looking up at the clock waiting for it to strike one o’clock so he can go out for lunch, he’s tapping his arm band repeatedly because he’s so excited.

William’s mum is now up in the kitchen making herself lunch when her pendant goes off again this time flashing a yellow light. She smiles this time as she places her finger over the light to send the signal back.

William’s arm band flashes a yellow light showing his mother has acknowledged his excitement.


Jane runs up to her friends front door and knocks on it excitedly, her friends mum opens the door and lets her and her mother in, her friend Ana is waiting for Jane in the lounge room.

After a while Jane's mother says good bye to Jane and leaves. Ana and Jane go on playing and having fun.

Ana's mother tells the girls that its time to go to bed. They go into Ana's room where there is a spare bed set up next to Ana's bed. Ana's mother says goodnight and turns off the light. Ana falls asleep nearly instantly leaving Jane who is wide awake. She starts to feel really uncomfortable and lonely. She looks at the device on her wrist and starts to stroke the top of it.

Jane's mum is sitting on the couch watching TV when her pendant lights up blue. She then places her finger over the light to turn it off and to respond to her daughter.

Jane's pendant lights up yellow and she smiles. A little later on Jane is still not asleep so she starts to spin the ring on the device on her wrist.

Jane's mum is still watching TV when her pendant lights up again this time in the colour white. She decides to ignore it hoping that Jane will get the idea to stop getting distracted and go to sleep.

Eventually Jane gets the idea that her mother doesn't want to respond so she stops spinning the ring and rolls over and falls asleep.

The next day Jane is ready to go home she places her finger on top of her device. Her mother is sitting outside reading when her pendant starts to flash different colours. She knows thats this means Jane is reaedy to be picked up. She then places her finger over the lighted area and heads over to the car. Jane's device then lights up with different colours, she knows that this means her mother is on her way.

After 15minutes Jane's mum turns up and takes her home.

Final Scenario

This is my final scenario along with storyboards.

Scenario 1
Shannon has finished her soccer practce early today and has no way of telling her mum she's finished. Her parents think that she's too young to own a mobile phone at 8 years old. Shannon is starting to get very scared and she starts to cry.
Shannon's mum finally arrives at the soccer field, half an hour late since she finished, to fnd her daughter in tears.

Scenario 2
Shannon has finished her soccer practice early today. She looks down to the bracelet she has on her wrist and places her finger on the top part.
Shannon's mum Julie is sitting having a sup of coffee at home when her pendant starts to flash different colours, she knows that this means Shannon needs to be picked up. She places her finger over the light and it stops flashing.
Shannon's bracelet lights up and she knows that her mother is coming to pick her up. Five minutes later her mother pulls up and Shannon jumps in the car. This time avoiding tears.

Mind Map - Parent/Carer

And here is the second mind map which is all about the parents product.

Mind Map - Child

This is the mind map for the child. It is more complex because there was a lot more to take into account with all the different functions.

Persona Design's and A Day In The Life

From doing up the day in the life of Shannon here we need to make our device something that is going to be strong and robust. It will also have to look fashionable so its not embarrassing for the user to wear.

Looking at a day in the life of Julie, her device needs to be something that she can keep on herself at all times or somewhere nearby. It will have to be small enough as to not be a bother but also not too small otherwise she will loose it. Julie also wants her daughters device to only be able to contact  herself, she doesn't like the idea of Shannon being  on the internet or anything like that without her supervision.