Sunday, November 7, 2010

The Final Presentation

The final to summarise the final presentation... I wasn't happy with how it went. I thought we came across as unprepared and that we didn't know our own concept, when infact it was the complete opposite, we knew it really well. It was just getting the idea across we seemed to struggle with.

I did like however how both of our models came out, i was impressed with our 3D printed model it looked very good but i wish we had have actually made an arm strap instead of using masking tape, but it did serve its purpose. The working model wasn't perfect but it did work well. It looked like a giant rough version of our final design which was no easy task with the spinning ring (well done Amy!), the model conveyed well how it would work. The colours the LED displayed didn't match up to the colours we had specified but it still looked good. I was impressed with how we got the light sensor to read the spinning ring by using black and white sections.

But overall i wasn't happy with how we presented, i think we could have done it so much better. But it's all a learning curve and i'll know better for next time.

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