Friday, November 5, 2010

Final Scenario

This is my final scenario along with storyboards.

Scenario 1
Shannon has finished her soccer practce early today and has no way of telling her mum she's finished. Her parents think that she's too young to own a mobile phone at 8 years old. Shannon is starting to get very scared and she starts to cry.
Shannon's mum finally arrives at the soccer field, half an hour late since she finished, to fnd her daughter in tears.

Scenario 2
Shannon has finished her soccer practice early today. She looks down to the bracelet she has on her wrist and places her finger on the top part.
Shannon's mum Julie is sitting having a sup of coffee at home when her pendant starts to flash different colours, she knows that this means Shannon needs to be picked up. She places her finger over the light and it stops flashing.
Shannon's bracelet lights up and she knows that her mother is coming to pick her up. Five minutes later her mother pulls up and Shannon jumps in the car. This time avoiding tears.

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